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PTI Parliamentary Faction Urges Reversal of Decision to Accept Omar Ayub’s Resignation

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The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party has recently faced internal discord as the parliamentary faction expressed disagreement with the decision to accept the resignation of PTI’s secretary general, Omar Ayub. The party officials are urging a reversal of the decision and calling for Ayub to be reappointed to his previous position.

This development emerged shortly after the incarcerated PTI chairman, Imran Khan, assented to Ayub’s decision to step down from his party position. Within PTI ranks, confusion prevails over the circumstances surrounding Ayub’s resignation, with reports of underlying rifts within the party. While the party had announced plans to initiate rallies for the release of its leader, Ayub chose to relinquish his party position to focus on parliamentary affairs.

The parliamentary party convened a meeting at the Parliament House, during which they unanimously voiced their confidence in Omar Ayub Khan as the Secretary General of PTI. They also collectively resolved that his resignation should not be accepted and directed him to continue in his role as the Secretary General of the party. Furthermore, the party strongly denounced media reports about a supposed “Forward Bloc” and emphasized the unity within the parliamentary party under the leadership of Imran Khan.

Omar Ayub’s resignation was communicated late on Thursday night, citing his intent to concentrate on his responsibilities as the leader of the opposition. He expressed gratitude to PM Imran Khan for accepting his resignation and explained that he sent his resignation to the PTI founder and Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan. Reports also indicated that Senator Shibli Faraz conveyed Omar’s message to Imran during a meeting at Adiala Jail.

The backdrop of Ayub’s resignation involves reports of discontent within the PTI, with suggestions that PTI-backed lawmakers were considering resigning from the National Assembly in protest. Speculations of a “forward bloc” have surfaced, hinting at the inclination of certain lawmakers to form a splinter group due to the perceived lack of effort by the party leadership in securing the release of incarcerated leaders. The disgruntled MNAs are reportedly urging the leadership to prioritize the release of PTI founder and other jailed party leaders over personal ambitions for higher posts.

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