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The Importance of Skills for a Nation

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Khalid Khan

The importance of youth skills cannot be overstated, as they are essential for the personal and professional development of young individuals and for the overall well-being of society. Equipping youth with the necessary skills empowers them to effectively navigate the complexities of the modern workforce, promoting their successful integration into the job market and facilitating the attainment of decent employment. Additionally, fostering a spirit of entrepreneurship among young people cultivates innovation and initiative, contributing to economic growth and prosperity.

By investing in youth skills, we are investing in the future, as these individuals possess the potential to drive sustainable development and positively influence global progress. Furthermore, addressing the barriers to entry into the job market and providing tailored skills development for out-of-school youths and individuals not in education, employment, or training (NEET) is crucial for creating inclusive opportunities and ensuring that no one is left behind. Ultimately, the importance of youth skills lies in their capacity to empower young people to make meaningful contributions to the workforce and to participate in the ongoing economic and social advancement, regardless of their background or current circumstances.

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On the annual observance of World Youth Skills Day, designated for 15 July, the global spotlight is directed towards the critical imperative of imparting young individuals with the necessary skills essential for their successful integration into the workforce, attainment of decent employment and fostering an entrepreneurial spirit. The overarching goal of WYSD is to underscore the pivotal role of investing in youth skills as a strategic pathway towards advancing employment opportunities and facilitating sustainable development on a global scale. This mission, spearheaded by the United Nations and its specialized agencies such as UNESCO-UNEVOC, instills confidence in the effectiveness and credibility of the initiatives. Concerted efforts are directed at mitigating barriers to entry into the job market, ensuring the official recognition and certification of acquired skills, and creating avenues for skills development tailored to accommodate the needs of out-of-school youths and individuals categorized as not in education, employment, or training (NEET).

By championing these multifaceted initiatives, the aim is to empower young people, regardless of their current circumstances, with the requisite competencies needed to meaningfully contribute to the workforce and participate in the ongoing economic and social progress. These initiatives are designed to be inclusive, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their background or current situation, can benefit from World Youth Skills Day.

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