Global Warming: Myth or Reality
By: Shahidullah Shahid
Global warming refers to an increase in the average global temperatures. Though it is an environmental problem, it has severe implications for global economics, geopolitics, society, humanity, and all living beings. Global warming is one of the most controversial scientific issues of the 21st century, challenging the very structure of our global society. Though there have been controversies between two schools of scientific thought, one calling it a myth and the other considering it is a reality, there is sufficient evidence to support the latter.
Anthropogenic activities, causing increased emissions of greenhouse gases, are behind global warming. It indicates that it would have catastrophic impacts if not appropriately addressed and immediately. Global warming means the earth is becoming warmer gradually. There is an increase in average global temperatures of air and oceans, accompanied by widespread melting of glaciers and rising sea level.
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in its ‘Synthesis Report on Climate Change, states that there is clear evidence for a 0.6 0C rise in global temperatures and a 20cm rise in sea level during the 20th century. It predicts that “global temperatures could rise by 1.4 to 5.8 0C and sea level could rise by 20 to 88cm by the year 2100.”
The majority of scientists and research organizations, including the IPCC, have agreed that global warming is due to the massive increase of greenhouse gases such as Carbon dioxide (Co2) in the atmosphere resulting from the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. The scientific community believes that earth’s climate is warming, and the rate of warming is accelerating substantially due to human activity.” Dr. Terrence M. Joyce, Senior Scientist and Director of Ocean & Climate Change Institute, infers the presumption. The primary shreds of evidence of global warming are three fundamental indicators- temperature, precipitation, and sea level.
Now, all countries, mainly developed countries, have to share the responsibility to cut emissions for humanity; otherwise, we will suffer the possible implications. Global warming will divest communities that are already the most marginalized globally. A report by the US National Academy of Science (NAS) says, “Available evidence suggests that abrupt climate changes are not only possible but likely in the future, potentially with large impacts on ecosystem and societies .”Moreover, there is a point of no return- the “threshold,” after which warming may become unstoppable.
The earth’s climate can change abruptly when the responsible factors reach the thresholds. Most scientists think that the point lies not far beyond 20C hotter. It is the point at which anthropogenic warming can trigger the massive release of Carbon dioxide from warming oceans, similar releases of CO2 and CH4 from melting permafrost, or both.
To limit warming to 20C, we must stabilize the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a specific ‘stabilization level. The world needs to act to check global warming as early as possible. As anthropogenic emissions cause global warming, the most logical approach to this problem would be to reduce emissions significantly. However, this has a significant implication for the world economy- the energy depends on fossil fuel burning. Even multiple efforts are not creating an impact as industrialized countries are reluctant to come forward.
From the Kyoto Protocol 1997 through Copenhagen, 2009 to Cancun Conference 2010, world leaders have been trying to agree on substantial cuts in emissions and adequate funding for adoption. Though there has been some progress in foundation work and commitments from world leaders to tackle this danger to planet earth, there is a long way to go for effective action. Being developed countries, these are well equipped, technologically, to cut the emission by transforming their economies from fossil fuel-based energy to renewable resource energy. Solar energy available is the most abundant form of energy available to humans. Wind energy is another plenty source of energy. The nuclear source is also a non-pollutant source of energy. The developed countries should not only explode this source but also support/help the underdeveloped countries generate electricity from it.
We need to understand that we have to switch over to these sources of energy as fossil fuels are bound to be finished by the increasing levels of consumption, so why late? Why not now? Furthermore, the effort at the international level is one of many ways to control global warming; everyone can also play their role. After all, we are the end users of all produced in the industries and energy sector. Individuals can help reduce greenhouse emissions in many ways like driving less, sharing a car with a friend or colleague to the office, eating local, improving vehicles’ fuel efficiency, consuming less, using less electricity (and saving money), and energy efficiency at work and home and by reducing waste products.
These acts would serve the purpose of emission reduction in two ways: One, less- consumption would result in less production and, subsequently, less burning of fuels. Two, it will generate moral pressure on the industries and governments to realize the dilemma and agree to the emission reduction policy. There is a feasible counterbalance to reduce CO2 from the atmosphere by growing forests on land and vegetation in the sea, but it will not do much. Ultimately, combining improved energy efficiency and alternative energy resources is the way to mitigate global warming. Though it will cost us ‘the earlier effective action is taken, the less costly it will be”, says Sir Nicholas Stern, the Chief Economist at World Bank. We need to act now, and we need to act before it is too late, as the significant threat from global warming is its unpredictability.
Global warming has become the real test of the foundations of our modern society, civilization, and democracy. Its anthropogenic causes are amply proven. Its implications have started hitting humanity, which is too harmful to be ignored. The solutions are at hand. Therefore, world leaders are responsible for responding to it effectively for the cause of humanity – our future generation. “Climate change, and what we do about it, will define us, our era, and ultimately the global legacy we leave for future generations,” asserted Ban Ki-Moon.
The writer presently serves as a Budget Officer in the Finance Department Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
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