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Shanghai’s Temperature Soars, Breaking 100-Year Heat Record

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In a historic event, Shanghai, China’s bustling financial hub, experienced its hottest day in a century on Monday, as confirmed by the city’s meteorological service. The scorching temperatures shattered previous records by a full degree, signaling an unprecedented heatwave, as reported by AFP.

A statement posted on the official Weibo account of the weather service stated, “At 13:09, the temperature at Xujiahui station soared to 36.1 degrees Celsius [97 degrees Fahrenheit], surpassing a century-old record for the highest temperature in May.”

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Concerned scientists emphasize that global warming is amplifying the impact of extreme weather events. In a recent report by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UNIPCC), it was cautioned that “each rise in global warming will intensify a multitude of hazards concurrently.”

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