Caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi announced a ‘grand police operation’ against the Katcha area gangsters on Thursday, says a handout issued by the Deputy Director Public Relations.
It will be the second grand operation against the gangs of Katcha area during the current year. In the earlier operation carried out in April/May with a huge budget, 11,000 personnel had participated in the operation.
Naqvi landed at the Shaikh Zayed Airport on Thursday where Bahawalpur regional police officer briefed him on the Machka clash in which three policemen were martyred, four dacoits, three farm workers and a woman were killed.
Naqvi said a grand operation would be started immediately for complete elimination of criminals.
- Today News
- December 1, 2023
- 4:09 pm
Punjab CM orders another operation against Katcha gangs
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