The Lahore police have apprehended an individual for spreading misinformation that allegedly incited widespread anti-immigrant violence in the United Kingdom. The suspect, identified as Farhan Asif, was arrested in Lahore and handed over to the Federal Investigation Agency’s Cybercrime wing for questioning.
The false news pertained to the identity of the alleged perpetrator of a tragic knife attack that resulted in the deaths of three young girls on July 29. This misinformation sparked violent riots and protests across various regions of the UK, resulting in attacks on mosques, asylum centers, and immigrant residences.
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The UK authorities have made significant progress in addressing the aftermath of these riots, with over 1,000 arrests and 575 individuals charged in connection with the unrest. The suspect in Lahore confessed to inadvertently causing the spread of the false news through a story published on a news website.
The misinformation circulated online falsely attributed the attacker with a Muslim immigrant identity, thereby triggering anti-immigrant sentiments and subsequent unrest in the UK.