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ALLAH is beautiful and loves beauty. Why should Humans not be more aesthetically driven?

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Tariq Mahmood Awan

Inna allaha jameelun yuhibbul jamal. 

Allah is beautiful, and Allah loves beauty. This hadith always inspires me to love beauty in all manifestations. Humans are born aesthetically. Therefore, it is a natural phenomenon to love beauty. There are multiple definitions, expressions, and dimensions of aesthetics. Then, humans love varied aestheticism out of their individuality. Hence, humans are an incarnation of ALLAH, and thus, will love beauty. 

Aesthetics is the study and appreciation of beauty and taste in various forms of expression, such as art, nature, and everyday life. Aesthetics is not just about liking or disliking something but also about understanding and feeling the meaning and value of it. Aesthetics is a way of engaging with the world that enriches our experience and enhances our well-being.

Aesthetics is critical for accomplishing human personality because it reflects and shapes our preferences, interests, values, and emotions. Aesthetic experiences can stimulate our curiosity, creativity, and imagination, as well as foster our empathy, compassion, and tolerance. Aesthetic experiences can also help us cope with stress, boredom, and negative emotions by providing us joy, beauty, and inspiration. Aesthetic experiences can also challenge us to grow and learn by exposing us to new perspectives, cultures, and ideas.

By cultivating an aesthetic attitude, we can become more open-minded, flexible, and expressive in our personal and professional lives. We can also develop a more profound sense of self-awareness and identity by discovering what resonates and makes us unique. Aesthetic living means taking a genuine interest in all details of daily life and finding beauty in the ordinary as well as the extraordinary. Aesthetic living can make us happier, healthier, and more fulfilled as human beings.

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Human aesthetic code and makeup are complex and multifaceted phenomena involving diverse human physiology, psychology, culture, and environmental elements. A critical explanation of these aspects can help us understand the significance of aesthetics in our lives. The aesthetic code and makeup of humans are influenced by the biological and genetic factors that determine the physical appearance and attractiveness of humans. These factors include facial symmetry, skin colour, hair texture, eye shape, body shape, and sex hormones. These factors affect how humans perceive themselves and others regarding beauty, health, and fitness.

The aesthetic code and makeup of humans are affected by the emotional and psychological states that influence the mood, expression, and behaviour of humans. These states include happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise. These states affect how humans present themselves and interact with others in terms of facial expressions, gestures, postures, and vocal tones. For example, happiness is expressed by smiling, raising the eyebrows, and opening the eyes, while sadness is expressed by frowning, lowering the eyebrows, and narrowing the eyes.

Culturally, humans’ aesthetic code and makeup are shaped by the cultural and social norms that define the standards and preferences of beauty and attractiveness in different societies and groups. These norms include the values, beliefs, traditions, customs, and practices that influence beauty and attractiveness ideals, expectations, and judgments. Therefore, different cultures determine different codes of aesthetical beauty. For example, even the colour of the skin is preferred differently by different cultures, whereas a few like fairer and others might like brown skin over others. Thus, there is an aesthetical variation to beauty.

Environmentally, the aesthetic code and makeup of humans are modified by the environmental and situational factors that affect the conditions and contexts of human appearance and attractiveness. These factors include the climate, geography, season, time, occasion, and purpose that influence human appearance and attractiveness’s adaptation, variation, and innovation. For example, some environments require more protection or decoration than others, such as cold or hot climates, urban or rural areas, day or night time, formal or informal events, and professional or personal goals.

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Therefore, there are various aesthetical codes and manifestations in relation to human beauty. All humans are beautiful; therefore, different humans love different types of beauty. And that is the sublimity of the divine aestheticism that all are praised for their peculiar beauty. Accordingly, knowing aesthetics is critical for humans in determining their personal aesthetical codes and, thus, living accordingly. Knowing one’s personal aesthetical codes is critical for providing poetic, aesthetic and natural justice to the development and growth of personalities. Why is it critical to understand the personal aesthetical code? 

Knowing one’s aesthetic code means being aware of one’s own preferences, tastes, and values in relation to beauty and expression. Various factors, such as culture, education, personality, and mood, influence aesthetic codes. Aesthetic codes are not fixed or universal but rather dynamic and personal. Therefore, it is vital to understand the knowledge of aesthetics. If one knows the aesthetical codes comprehensively, one will not only be able to know the workings of aestheticism but also develop one’s aesthetics accordingly.

Aesthetic codes are essential for the growth of personality because they help us to develop our sense of self and identity. By exploring and expressing our aesthetic codes, we can discover what makes us unique and what connects us with others. We can also learn to appreciate diversity and complexity in the world, as well as in ourselves.

Aesthetic codes can also enhance our well-being and happiness by providing us with sources of joy, inspiration, and meaning. Aesthetic experiences can stimulate our creativity, imagination, and curiosity, as well as our empathy, compassion, and tolerance. Aesthetic experiences can also help us cope with stress, boredom, and negative emotions by offering us beauty, harmony, and transcendence. Thus, leading a life of aestheticism is providing poetic justice to one’s personality. It is a natural fulfilment and an accomplishment. 

Therefore, knowing one’s aesthetic code is a valuable skill that can enrich our lives and personalities. By cultivating an aesthetic attitude, we can become more open-minded, flexible, and expressive in our personal and professional lives. We can also develop a more profound sense of self-awareness and identity by finding beauty in the ordinary as well as the extraordinary. Then, it is a divine culmination of loving the beauty in all its manifestations. Allah is beautiful and loves beauty. 

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