Zoe Saldana has made box-office history by becoming the first actor to star in four movies that have amassed over $2 billion worldwide. Saldana has achieved this latest accomplishment with her recent film Avatar: The Way of Water, which recently surpassed the $2 billion mark at the worldwide box office.
The actress has also starred in other highly successful films such as Avatar, Avengers: Endgame, and Avengers: Infinity War, all of which have grossed over $2 billion.
Reflecting on her involvement in these hit films, Saldana said, “I feel fortunate and like the luckiest person in the industry knowing that I was given the opportunity to participate in films with exceptional directors and a talented cast.
“If anything, I have reaped all the benefits of that, I’ve gained friends. I still have mentors that I call and I turn to for guidance,” she added.
Saldana reprised her role as Neytiri in the Avatar sequel, which was released in December 2022. In the Marvel films, she played the role of the green-skinned Gamora.