In Pakistan’s political drama, caretaker Prime Minister Kakar steps into the spotlight. Addressing concerns about fairness, he clarifies that while those involved in the May 9th unrest must be held accountable, the government doesn’t seek to erase any party from the playing field.
The PTI cries foul over alleged targeting of its leaders, but Kakar emphasizes due process and individual responsibility. He reiterates his personal discomfort with disruptive behavior in politics, but respects the independence of the election commission in adjudicating such matters.
Despite past support for the PTI, Kakar assures impartiality as caretaker head. He pledges to investigate claims of candidate obstruction and address any individual grievances fairly.
This act of balancing justice and impartiality could be crucial in ensuring a stable and credible election process. Hopefully, transparency and adherence to the law will pave the way for a peaceful and representative outcome.