Dolphin joy turns to tragedy

Tragedy Strikes in Perth as Teen Lass Passes Away after Shark Attack In a heart-wrenching incident, a perky 16-year-old miss perished on Saturday after being bitten by a shark in the Swan River in Perth, Western Australia. The girl had taken the plunge into the water to frolic with a school of dolphins.

The authorities were quick to respond to the scene of the attack which occurred around 3:45 PM near a bridge in the Fremantle port area. Sadly, the girl was retrieved from the water with fatal injuries and couldn’t be saved.

As per the police statement, it is believed that the young lady was with a group of friends, took a dive off a jet ski to swim with the dolphins, only to face the shark attack.

Though it is unclear which species of shark was responsible for the attack, authorities are advising the public to exercise extra caution when swimming in the vicinity of the Swan River around Fremantle. Let us hope that such mishaps don’t happen again.

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