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Double Winners Face Choice: ECP Demands One Seat Vacated Before Oath

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The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has issued a firm directive to candidates who secured multiple seats in the 2024 general elections. These “double winners” must choose and vacate one seat before taking their oath as legislators.

The ECP has provided two options for submitting the relinquishment application: either to the Chief Election Commissioner’s office in Islamabad or to the respective Provincial Election Commissioners in Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, or Balochistan.

This directive ensures that each elected official represents only one constituency, preventing them from holding undue influence or accumulating power through multiple seats. It promotes a fairer distribution of representation and avoids potential conflicts of interest.

The candidates have a limited window to make their decision. They must retain only the seat they wish to keep before taking the oath, leaving the remaining seat vacant for a by-election or other constitutional procedure.

This ECP action has sparked discussions across the country. Some view it as a necessary step to uphold democratic principles and ensure equal representation. Others raise concerns about the potential for by-elections to incur additional costs and disrupt legislative processes.

Regardless of the differing perspectives, one thing is clear: the ECP’s directive requires candidates to make a crucial choice, impacting not only their personal political trajectories but also the overall balance of power within the legislature.

It remains to be seen how individual candidates will respond and which seats they will choose to relinquish. This decision will undoubtedly have ramifications for the upcoming legislative session and the political landscape of Pakistan.

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