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Government Launches Operation Azm-e-Istehkam to Combat Surging Terror Threats

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The government has finally announced the launch of a new counter-terrorism campaign, Operation Azm-e-Istehkam, in response to the escalating terror threat that has posed significant risks to national security. The decision, made during a meeting of the Central Apex Committee of the National Action Plan on June 22, unveils a comprehensive strategy that goes beyond a purely military approach to address the multifaceted challenges posed by terrorism.

This initiative encompasses not only military measures aimed at dismantling the terror network but also incorporates diplomatic, socioeconomic, and legislative efforts. This holistic strategy signifies a recognition within the ruling elite that the fight against terrorism cannot be won solely through military means; non-military aspects must also be addressed to eradicate this menace completely.

The resurgence of activities by organizations like TTP, emboldened by the reinstatement of the Afghan Taliban in Kabul, has exacerbated the national security situation, necessitating a concerted and decisive response against terrorism.

The launch of the much-needed counter-terrorism campaign, albeit delayed, underscores the urgency of addressing this critical issue in a meaningful manner. However, the timing of this initiative gives the impression of being influenced by external pressures, particularly regarding the protection of Chinese nationals and CPEC projects, as emphasized during the prime minister’s recent visit to Beijing.

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While addressing valid concerns raised by foreign partners, it is crucial for the government to dispel any notion that this operation is a result of external pressure. Terrorism poses a clear threat to national security and the well-being of innocent citizens, making it imperative for the government to take proactive measures to eradicate elements challenging the authority of the state.

Moving forward, the government should emphasize the national interest in this counter-terror effort and garner support from all segments of society, specifically those most affected by the campaign. Addressing the reservations of political parties and seeking the support of an All-Parties Conference (APC) will be vital in fostering unity and consensus on this crucial national issue.

While it is essential for opposition parties to refrain from politicizing the counter-terrorism campaign, the government must also prioritize non-military aspects of Operation Azm-e-Istehkam. This includes efforts to dismantle the ecosystem of hate and extremism within Pakistani society by promoting de-radicalization and addressing the root causes of extremism alongside military action.

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