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Importance of Literature for Scientists, Professionals, Civil Servants & even for Military Men

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Tariq Mahmood Awan

We read all our life. Then, mostly, we read for educational, cultural and religious purposes. Accordingly, we hardly read for aesthetical and literary growth and development. Therefore, it is not even a fashionable trend now to read literature, which may still be the best educational genre. Instead, reading literature is associated with a waste of time as it does not provide economic creation. 

However, reading literature is a meaningful activity that has many benefits for the individual and the society. Literature is not only a source of entertainment and pleasure but also a way of learning, developing, and enriching oneself and others. In this essay, I will provide a critical and comparative analysis of the importance of reading literature in modern times for various aspects of human life.

Reading literature helps us to understand and interact with other people better. Literature exposes us to different cultures, perspectives, and experiences that we may not encounter in our own lives. It also teaches us about human nature, emotions, values, and conflicts. We can develop empathy, tolerance, and respect for others by reading literature. We can also learn how to communicate effectively, persuade others, and resolve disputes. Literature can also inspire us to take action for social change and justice. For example, literature can raise awareness about consequential issues such as racism, poverty, gender inequality, and environmental degradation. Literature can also motivate us to join social movements, support causes, and volunteer for communities. Reading literature can also help us to form social bonds with other readers who share our interests and opinions. Literature can create a sense of belonging and identity among people who enjoy reading exact genres of literature.

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Reading literature helps us to appreciate and preserve our cultural heritage. Literature reflects different cultures’ history, traditions, beliefs, and values. It also expresses the creativity, diversity, and uniqueness of different people. By reading literature, we can learn about our own culture and its origins, as well as other cultures and their contributions to humanity. We can also discover the similarities and differences among cultures and how they influence each other. Reading literature can also help us to respect and celebrate cultural diversity and pluralism. Literature can foster intercultural dialogue and understanding among people from different backgrounds and regions. Literature can also promote cultural exchange and cooperation among nations and peoples.

Aesthetically, reading literature helps us enjoy and appreciate language and art’s beauty. Literature is a form of art that uses words to create images, sounds, feelings, and meanings. Literature appeals to our senses and emotions through literary devices such as metaphors, similes, symbols, imagery, rhyme, rhythm, tone, mood, etc. By reading literature, we can also develop our aesthetic sense and taste. We can also cultivate our creativity and imagination by exploring new forms and genres of literature. Reading literature can also enhance our critical thinking skills by challenging us to analyze, interpret, and evaluate literary texts.

Reading literature helps us to improve our literary skills and knowledge. Literature is a rich source of information and ideas that can expand our horizons and enrich our minds. By reading literature, we can improve our vocabulary, grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. We can also learn about different literary styles, techniques, conventions, genres, etc. Reading literature can also help us to develop our writing skills by exposing us to various models of good writing. We can learn how to write effectively for different purposes, audiences, contexts, etc. Reading literature can also help us to appreciate the literary achievements of great writers who have influenced the world with their works.

Imagination is a critical part of human creation. Reading literature permits us to exercise our imagination and creativity. Literature invites us to enter into fictional worlds that are different from our own reality. Literature stimulates our imagination by presenting us with new possibilities, scenarios, characters, events, etc. By reading literature, we can create mental simulations of what we read and imagine ourselves in the roles of the characters or narrators. We can also use our imagination to create our own stories or artworks based on what we read. Reading literature can also inspire us to pursue our dreams and goals by showing us examples of people who have overcome challenges and achieved success.

Furthermore, reading literature helps us to explore and express our spiritual dimension. Literature deals with questions and issues relating to life’s meaning and purpose, such as faith, hope, love, morality, death, etc. By reading literature, we can reflect on our own beliefs and values and how they affect our actions and decisions. We can also learn from the wisdom and insights of other people who have searched for answers and solutions to these questions and issues. Reading literature can also help us connect with a higher power or a transcendent reality that transcends our physical existence. Literature can evoke a sense of awe and wonder in us by revealing the beauty and mystery of creation.

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Literature is also critical for the emotional development of humans. Reading literature enables us to cope with our emotions and feelings. Literature expresses the emotions and feelings of the writer and the characters vividly and realistically. By reading literature, we can identify with the emotions and feelings of others and understand them better. We can also experience catharsis or emotional release by venting our emotions and feelings through reading. Reading literature can also help us to regulate our emotions and feelings by providing us with guidance, advice, or comfort. Literature can also uplift our mood and spirit by providing us with humour, joy, or inspiration.

It is always a poetic realization to read literature. Reading literature allows us to appreciate and create poetry. Poetry is a form of literature that uses language creatively and artistically. Poetry appeals to our emotions and imagination through sound, rhythm, imagery, metaphor, etc. By reading poetry, we can enjoy the beauty and power of words and how they can convey deep and complex meanings. We can also learn how to write poetry by studying the techniques and styles of different poets. Reading poetry can also help us to express ourselves and our feelings poetically.

Whatever the literary genre is, it is fantastic to read literature to develop emotionally, culturally, aesthetically and humanly. Quality literature develops more humanistic values and allows us to become better humans. It is also significant for civil servants to read different forms of literature. Rather, professionals, military men, doctors, engineers, and scientists should also read literature apart from their academic literature. Reading literature develops us into better humans. Therefore, the relevance of literature is still not short of aesthetical perfection. And it is essential to relate to literature.

Lastly, even in modern life, literature is the art of employing language to create works that express human experiences, emotions, values, and ideas. Literature is vital in the modern, technical, scientific and technological world because it helps us to develop critical thinking, creativity, empathy, and communication skills. Literature also enriches our cultural awareness, appreciation, and understanding of ourselves and others. Literature can inspire us to pursue our passions, challenge our assumptions, and explore new possibilities. Literature can also provide us with entertainment, relaxation, and enjoyment. Therefore, literature is not only a valuable source of knowledge and information but also a vital form of expression and imagination.

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