Imran Khan, the former prime minister of Pakistan who is currently in prison on charges he claims are politically motivated, has applied to become the next chancellor of the University of Oxford. The PTI spokesperson in London, Sayed Zulfikar Bukhari, confirmed that Imran Khan’s application is under review. If successful, he would be the first person of Asian descent to hold the ceremonial but prestigious position.
The University of Oxford’s former chancellor, Conservative peer Chris Patten, announced his resignation in February. The selection process for the next chancellor will be completed in October, with the voting taking place at the end of the month.
Imran Khan, a graduate of Oxford in 1975, has had a remarkable journey from being a famous cricket player to becoming a controversial prime minister. His potential appointment as the chancellor would be a significant achievement for all of Asia, according to Bukhari.
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Other noteworthy candidates for the position reportedly include former UK Foreign Secretary William Hague and former EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson. Despite Imran Khan previously serving as the chancellor of Bradford University from 2005 to 2014, it is uncertain whether he will secure the position at Oxford due to tough competition from high-profile personalities like Tony Blair and Boris Johnson.