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India’s Stance on Jammu and Kashmir Dispute Sparks Response from Pakistan

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In response to recent remarks by India’s Minister for External Affairs, S Jaishankar, regarding the situation in Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan’s Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch reiterated that the Kashmir conflict is globally acknowledged and should be resolved in accordance with United Nations Security Council resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

“Resolving the Jammu and Kashmir conflict is crucial for achieving peace and stability in South Asia,” said Baloch, emphasizing the international recognition of the dispute and the importance of addressing it based on UN resolutions and the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

Jaishankar had expressed a shift in India’s approach, stating, “I think the era of uninterrupted dialogue with Pakistan is over. Actions have consequences, and insofar as Jammu and Kashmir is concerned, I think Article 370 is done,” while also discussing the future relationship with Pakistan.

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In response, Baloch firmly rejected the notion that the Jammu and Kashmir dispute can be unilaterally resolved. She emphasized that Pakistan remains committed to diplomacy and dialogue but will respond with resolve to any hostile actions, calling for meaningful dialogue and a just resolution to ensure lasting peace in the region.

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