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Managing Socio-political Depression in Pakistan ! An overview !

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Socio-political depression and despair are terms that describe the psychological and emotional effects of living in a society or a political system that is oppressive, unjust, or dysfunctional. Some possible forms of socio-political depression and despair are:

Low political participation:

Individuals with depression may lack the motivation and physical capacity to vote and engage in other forms of political activism due to somatic problems and feelings of hopelessness and apathy.

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Low political trust and efficacy:

Individuals with depression may have lower levels of trust in political institutions and actors, and lower levels of belief in their own ability to influence political outcomes.

Political alienation:

Individuals with depression may feel disconnected from the dominant political culture and values, especially if they identify as politically liberal in a conservative political climate.

Political cynicism:

Individuals with depression may have a negative and pessimistic view of politics and politicians, and may perceive them as corrupt, dishonest, or incompetent.

Some possible strategies to come out of political and social depression and despair are:

Seeking professional help:

Individuals with depression should consult a mental health professional who can provide them with appropriate diagnosis and treatment, such as medication, psychotherapy, or cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Joining social movements:

Individuals with depression may find meaning and empowerment by joining social movements that align with their values and goals, such as environmentalism, feminism, humanism, socialism or human rights.

Building social support: Individuals with depression may benefit from having a network of friends, family, or peers who can provide them with emotional support, validation, and encouragement.

Practicing self-care:

Individuals with depression may improve their well-being by engaging in activities that promote their physical, mental, and emotional health, such as exercise, meditation, hobbies, or relaxation.

Sports, meditation, entertainment, objective & ideological pursuits may lead to overcoming depression & despair. The Pakistani Socio-political culture is demotivating the youth & people across. Accordingly, they should pursue their passions, ambitions & lawful instincts. However, some times, it’s also significant to resist the continuous oppressive Socio-political culture to come out of depression and despair.

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