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Pakistan Military Vows to Defeat “Digital Terrorism” Threat

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The top leadership of Pakistan’s military has pledged to decisively eliminate the menace of what they have termed “digital terrorism,” which seeks to spread hopelessness among the Pakistani populace and create divisions among national institutions.

During the 83rd Formation Commanders’ Conference held at the General Headquarters, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) disclosed that the consensus to combat this threat was reached. The conference, presided over by Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen Asim Munir, convened to deliberate on geostrategic dynamics and national security, and was attended by corps commanders, principal staff officers, and all formation commanders.

The military’s media wing stated that the conference commenced with prayers and paid homage to the supreme sacrifices of the martyrs, including armed forces personnel, law enforcement agencies, and citizens of Pakistan who laid down their lives for the nation’s safety, security, and sovereignty.

The meeting emphasized the peril posed by “politically motivated and vested digital terrorism.” It pointed out that this form of terrorism, allegedly abetted by foreign collaborators, aims to instil despondency in the Pakistani nation and sow discord among national institutions and the people by propagating falsehoods, fake news, and propaganda.

Addressing the conference, the COAS articulated that the nation is fully aware of the nefarious motives behind these acts and assured that the designs of these malicious forces will be comprehensively defeated.

Furthermore, the forum stressed the imperative of bringing those responsible for the May 9 riots to justice for the collective good of the country. It underscored that without swift justice and the establishment of the rule of law, the stability of the country will remain susceptible to the machinations of such elements.

In addition, the corp commanders voiced grave concerns about continuous cross-border terrorist attacks orchestrated from Afghan soil, alleging that hostile foreign elements were exploiting Afghanistan to target personnel and civilians inside Pakistan.

The conference also recognized the invaluable sacrifices of citizens in the Newly Merged Districts (NMDs) in the war against terrorism and stressed the significance of uplifting those areas.

Moreover, the commanders emphasized the need for socio-economic development in Balochistan to counter externally propagated narratives of exclusion, which are purportedly being employed to steer Balochistan’s youth away from peace and progress.

The conference participants also expressed solidarity with Palestinians amid the ongoing crisis in the Gaza Strip and the oppressed Kashmiris in Indian-held Kashmir. They unequivocally stood by the Kashmiri people in their just struggle for the inalienable right to self-determination, as outlined in UNSC Resolutions.

Furthermore, the forum voiced concern over the treatment of minorities, particularly Muslims, in India and denounced the escalating fascism being employed to achieve vested political ends.

COAS Munir provided an overview of the region’s geostrategic dynamics, emerging challenges to national security, and the army’s strategy to counter threats in various domains. The attendees were also briefed on technological advancements aimed at modernizing the army in line with the rapidly evolving operational environment.

The COAS lauded the high standard of training demonstrated during exercises and the outstanding performance of officers and troops in counter-terrorism operations. He commended the formation commanders for their high morale and operational readiness.

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