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Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Internal Discord Sparks Demand for Resignation

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The internal strife within Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has intensified as Sher Afzal Marwat, a prominent leader of the party, has called for the resignation of fellow party leader Shibli Faraz. Marwat has fiercely expressed his assertion that it is imperative to cleanse the party of what he refers to as the “qabza mafia.”

Marwat’s demand for resignation comes in the wake of Omar Ayub’s resignation from the position of Secretary General of PTI, with an announcement of impending changes in the party’s organizational structure.

Expressing his stance, Marwat emphasized the need for Shibli Faraz to step down from his current roles within the party, including as the leader of the Opposition in the Senate. Marwat’s discontent with Faraz and other party leaders has been apparent, leading to his vocal call for changes within PTI.

Highlighting his concerns about the party leadership, Marwat cited instances where he believes the leadership fell short, citing examples such as the party’s “bat” symbol and issues related to reserved seats. He further criticized the party’s core committee and political committees, alleging that decisions are not made based on merit and favoritism prevails.

Marwat conveyed that if the party wishes for his active participation, it must support his demands, indicating that the removal of Shibli Faraz from PTI could lead to the party rising to meet the current challenges.

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PAC Chairman Controversy:

In a separate episode earlier in April, PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan announced Sher Afzal Marwat as the chosen candidate for the pivotal role of Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairman, in a bid to quell internal discord within the party. However, Marwat openly refused to collaborate with Senator Faraz and Omar in May, accusing them of obstructing his efforts to meet the imprisoned PTI founder, Imran Khan.

Marwat also revealed his frustration by alleging that Shibli Faraz asserted that his appointment as the PAC chairman would not be acceptable to the PML-N, signaling internal hurdles.

In a turn of events, Marwat, initially nominated by Imran as the PAC chairman, faced criticism from the party leadership, leading to the retraction of his nomination. The PTI’s political committee subsequently replaced Marwat with Sheikh Waqas Akram.

In response to his outspoken remarks, Marwat was expelled from the party’s core and political committees at the directives of the PTI founder. Subsequently, the party issued a show-cause notice to Marwat for contravening its code of conduct and policy.

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