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Pakistan Urges Action Against Terror Groups in Afghanistan

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During her weekly media briefing in Islamabad, Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch called on Afghan interim authorities to address the presence of terror groups on Afghan soil, which pose threats to Pakistan’s sovereignty and security. She emphasized Pakistan’s full respect for Afghanistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity while affirming Pakistan’s readiness to defend itself against any security threats. 

Furthermore, Pakistan has expressed deep concerns about the situation along the Pak-Afghan border and has urged Afghan authorities to prevent the use of Afghan soil against Pakistan. The spokesperson also rejected the possibility of engaging in talks with terrorist groups responsible for the killing of Pakistani civilians and law enforcement officials. She stressed the fraternal relationship between the people of Pakistan and Afghanistan, expressing a commitment to working with Afghan authorities for the peace, security, and development of Afghanistan.

In addition, the spokesperson reaffirmed Pakistan’s support for the historic call of the United Nations General Assembly to admit the State of Palestine as a full member of the United Nations. Regarding the Kashmir issue, she condemned Indian oppression and urged India to allow Kashmiris to exercise their right to self-determination as guaranteed by the UN Security Council’s resolutions.

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