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Pakistan’s Looming Energy Crisis: A Call for Action

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Pakistan’s power sector is teetering on the brink of crisis, burdened by soaring electricity bills, rising inefficiencies, and a disconnect between government forecasts and reality. This editorial dissects the situation and proposes solutions for a new government facing a daunting inheritance.

The Shocking Reality:

  • Unsustainable Price Hikes: CPPA-G proposes a massive Rs7.13 per unit increase in power tariffs, almost double the pre-fixed cost. This, coupled with previous hikes, paints a grim picture for affordability.
  • Forecasting Failure: The vast deviation from predicted fuel costs highlights a lack of competence and planning, causing public outrage and distrust.
  • Inefficiencies Galore: Transmission losses remain rampant, with 352 GWh lost in January alone. Urgent intervention is needed to curb these losses and ensure efficient system operation.

Reasons for Crisis:

  • Unforeseen Risks: Rising insurance costs due to regional instability and local fuel price hikes are cited, yet these should have been foreseen and factored into forecasts.
  • Policy Inconsistency: The proposed cut in solar net metering benefits raises concerns about policy instability and discourages future investments in sustainable solutions.
  • Structural Neglect: Successive governments have failed to address core issues like reducing theft, transmission losses, and overreliance on expensive IPP projects.

Consequences and Solutions:

  • Falling Consumption: Exorbitant costs are driving consumers away from the grid, further exacerbating capacity payment issues.
  • Economic Toll: The crippled power sector impacts not only individual wallets but also hinders national economic growth.

Urgent Action Needed:

  • New Government’s Role: The incoming PDM coalition faces a major challenge in addressing these immediate and long-term problems.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Accurate forecasting, open communication, and holding responsible parties accountable are crucial for regaining public trust.
  • Efficiency Overhauls: Addressing transmission losses, reducing theft, and exploring cost-effective solutions are essential for sustainability.
  • Sustainable Investments: Promoting renewable energy sources like solar and wind is key to long-term affordability and environmental responsibility.
  • Deregulation and Privatization: Carefully evaluated deregulation and privatization could enhance efficiency and attract fresh investments.

The Way Forward:

The new government must act decisively and collaboratively to prevent the power sector from collapsing. Ignoring these issues will have severe consequences for the economy and the lives of millions of Pakistanis. A holistic approach focused on transparency, accountability, efficiency, and long-term sustainability is the only way to illuminate a brighter future for Pakistan’s energy sector.

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