Politics in Pakistan does not circumvent around the substantive dimensions of good governance, service delivery and political actualization but spinning of absurd and fake narratives. Hence, politics in Pakistan is a product of narratives. Irrespective of the merit of narratives, the wizards and magus of political parties have successfully been able to translate the objectives of the narratives among the people. A, society unpragmatically developed on dogmas, percepts is always receptive to spinning narratives.
Democracy is all about accountability. Rather than people hold the political parties accountable for the governance and political actualization, they are being carried away by the magic of narratives. Media is the actual causality in rigorous processes of polarized narratives. Social media and other forms of Dissemination have rendered the people irrational and unimaginative. The most disturbing part of narratives is to belittle the opponents at the cost of morality, values and ethics. This, sorry state of affairs arises a fundamental question, if the maligning of the opponents a way forward for political parties, then, who will provide good governance and political stabilization? Supposedly, if a political party is able to establish that its opponent is corrupt, inefficient and indolent, what is this vindication meant for
the people?
How will their common lives be made better? Orchestra of narratives have polarized the society. Nothing wrong in establishing appropriate narratives, but building hollow narratives escaping reality and purpose is unpolitical. Narratives, shorn of progressive plans and future course are mere eyewash. People should not be subjective but objective. Can the politics of narrative overtake the essentialities of political correctness and service delivery?
Political narratives are directly proportionate to the wit of the people. How can people allow politicians outwitting them? Social and political sensitives, if exploited by the politicians, will end up with more polarization and hate. At the end, people should ask a questions to political, religious and social leadership, will narratives of interest benefit us, the common people? unfortunately, most of narrative building is hinged on assumption, percepts and commercial interests. Public should enquire into the layers of narratives and push politicians to come up with substantive planning and manifestoes.
Hence, before voting, it is compulsory to dissect governance & performance rather than carried away by emotional tinge of a narrative. Remember, narratives only charm the sensitivities of common people and lack in substance & truthfulness.

1 thought on “Politics of Narrative in Pakistan”
A valid point.