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PTI Core Committee Resolves Not to Welcome Back Deserters

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In a crucial meeting held on Monday, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Core Committee revealed its stance on members who distanced themselves from the party during challenging times. The committee made it clear that those who abandoned the party in difficult circumstances would not be welcomed back.

During the meeting, three significant resolutions were unanimously passed by the Core Committee. Firstly, the committee recommended rejecting the resignation of Secretary General Omar Ayub Khan, lauding his remarkable contributions during the party’s trying period. The committee emphasized the importance of Khan’s role in upholding the party’s policies amidst the current challenges and urged him to withdraw his resignation.

The resolution highlighted, “Omar Ayub’s contributions as Secretary General are crucial for maintaining party policies during these trying times,” and appealed to the lifetime chairman Imran Khan not to accept Khan’s resignation. Additionally, the committee strongly denounced individuals who had abandoned the party during critical junctures, asserting that they had forfeited any moral authority to comment on party affairs from the outside. The resolution categorically stated that those who had deserted the party during tough times would not be reinstated.

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Furthermore, the committee clarified that decisions regarding individuals seeking to reconcile would lie solely with lifetime chairman Imran Khan. The party reiterated its commitment to upholding strict discipline within its ranks and affirmed its resolve to take stringent measures against any violations.

The resolution also warned, “Party members who violate discipline will face severe consequences, including suspension of basic membership and other disciplinary actions,” and assured that cases of individuals who had already been served notices for disciplinary breaches would be addressed within seven days.

The PTI has recently witnessed a surge in resignations, fueled by rumors of internal factions and turmoil. This includes the resignation of lawmaker Junaid Akbar from the party’s core committee. The Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly, Omar Ayub, also tendered his resignation as PTI secretary general, indicating potential organizational changes within the party.

The situation further intensified as Sher Afzal Marwat demanded the resignation of PTI Senator Shibli Faraz, accusing him of obstructing access to the imprisoned PTI founder, Imran Khan. Confusion looms within PTI ranks regarding Omar Ayub’s resignation, with reports suggesting internal rifts within the party. While the party announced plans for rallies calling for the release of Imran Khan, the resignation of the secretary general has added to the uncertainty surrounding the party’s future.

In a meeting held on June 28 at the Parliament House, the PTI Parliamentary Party unanimously expressed its full confidence in Omar Ayub Khan as the Secretary General of PTI.

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