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PTI struggles to secure new premier in AJK

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The Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Assembly’s scheduled election for a new prime minister was delayed on Monday after the session ended without any poll being held.

The decision for the election was made after the disqualification of Sardar Tanveer Ilyas by the AJK High Court in a contempt case. Speaker Riaz Ahmed chaired the session, which was set to commence at 11am but began at 3:30pm. However, it was adjourned until 11am the following day without any progress made in electing a new prime minister.

The PTI party, which holds a majority in the AJK Legislative Assembly, may struggle to secure a candidate loyal to Imran Khan as the premier due to opposition from AJK President Barrister Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry. Chaudhry has rebelled against his own party and formed a forward bloc in the assembly with the support of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N).

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