Qureshi Claims Political Motives Behind Khan’s Arrest

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Vice Chairman Shah Mehmood Qureshi categorically dismissed the conviction and subsequent apprehension of Chairman Imran Khan in the Toshakhana case, labeling the trial court’s ruling as a “much-feared” move, seemingly orchestrated and premeditated by state forces.

In an exclusive conversation with Geo.tv, Qureshi articulated his stance, “I outrightly reject the court’s pronouncement, deeming it a politically charged and preordained decision that hardly surprised anyone.”

Qureshi went on to cite Chairman Imran Khan’s own anticipations, noting, “Imran Khan had been vocal about the judiciary’s predisposition to detain me. This predetermined stance to disqualify me was conspicuous in Khan’s public addresses.”

Expressing his reservations on the detention of his party’s leader, Qureshi pointed his queries at the judiciary, probing whether the trial of the 70-year-old Khan adhered to the principles of a fair trial as mandated by Article 10(1) of the Constitution.

Further inquiring from the judicial echelons, the 67-year-old political figure queried, “Were the prerequisites of justice, namely impartiality, comprehensive presentation of evidence, and the introduction of witnesses before the jury, ensured for our party’s leader?”

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He mused, “Could there have not been any other jurist within the entire judiciary, apart from Justice Humayun Dilawar, capable of upholding justice?”

Qureshi opined that “the repeated referral of cases to the trial court seemed to anticipate parallel verdicts being rendered.”

“And given Imran Khan’s existing skepticism and his explicit hint at the judiciary’s predisposition, shouldn’t the requirement of justice have necessitated the judge’s withdrawal?,” Qureshi pondered.

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“Curiously,” he mused, “why was this verdict expedited and unveiled over the weekend?”

The former foreign minister expressed his alarm, highlighting, “It is indeed disconcerting that as the verdict was being unveiled and news disseminated through television, the police were already at Zaman Park to escort Imran Khan.”

The unfolding events surrounding Imran Khan’s conviction and immediate arrest warrant an in-depth introspection into the mechanisms of justice and the rapidity of actions in this compelling narrative.

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