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Revolutionary Inaugural 100 Days: Maryam Nawaz’s Address to the Punjab Assembly

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Amidst fervent opposition claims, Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz delivered a resolute address to the Punjab Assembly, providing a comprehensive overview of her government’s initiatives. She emphasized that the Punjab government had successfully completed its initial 100 days despite the fervent sloganeering of the opposition, which raised chants of ‘Zulm ke ye zaabte, hum nahi maante’. Maryam Nawaz promptly addressed the opposition’s fervor, asserting they should desist from continuous chanting to avoid straining their vocal cords.

In her address, she highlighted the significance of the government’s inaugural budget for the fiscal year 2024-25, proclaiming it as the most substantial budget in the history of Punjab. Notably, she underscored that, for the first time, no additional tax burden had been imposed on the people of the province.

Amidst acknowledging the challenges of encapsulating the government’s extensive 100-day progress within a single budget speech, Maryam Nawaz reaffirmed a resilient commitment to her role, recognizing the monumental legacy of past chief ministers like Nawaz Sharif and Shehbaz Sharif in shaping Punjab’s destiny. She confronted the opposition’s criticisms, emphasizing their responsibility to address the pressing issues facing the province.

Maryam Nawaz unequivocally articulated the efforts of her government in stark contrast to the former Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf administration, which she accused of prioritizing retribution over serving the nation. Furthermore, she expressed firm opposition to any form of abuse towards former Prime Minister Imran Khan, advocating for upholding basic human dignities even amidst political differences.

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Underscoring her government’s unwavering commitment to action, Maryam Nawaz revealed that the implementation of their ambitious development plans was set to commence imminently following the budget’s approval. She highlighted the unprecedented composition of her young and educated cabinet and emphatically proclaimed that the promises outlined in the budget would be diligently fulfilled within the coming year.

The chief minister fervently advocated for a significant focus on health and education, asserting that her government’s allocation of resources in these vital domains surpassed any previous efforts. Maryam Nawaz boldly addressed the issue of inflation, proclaiming substantial reductions and attributing the relief to her government’s proactive measures in contrast to the opposition’s track record of incompetence.

Maryam highlighted the pervasive corruption inherited by her government and vowed to instigate systemic changes, ensuring that no file would be processed without integrity, denouncing the prevalent culture of bribery.

A notable emphasis was placed on the alleviation of hardships for the people, with the uniform reduction of the price of roti across Punjab being heralded as a significant accomplishment. She challenged other provinces to replicate the same level of commitment to providing essential commodities at lower prices.

Additionally, Maryam Nawaz unveiled comprehensive programs aimed at directly benefitting the populace, including the ‘Maryam Ki Dastak’ initiative, which facilitated the delivery of essential services to citizens’ doorsteps. The historic Ramazan package and expanded health services were notable highlights of her government’s ambitious welfare programs.

Moreover, she detailed the meticulous oversight and accountability measures implemented for district administrations, including the formulation of key performance indicators for officials, fostering a culture of competitive excellence in public service delivery.

Maryam Nawaz also announced a landmark Rs400 billion farmers’ package, emphasizing the comprehensive agricultural reforms designed to enhance prosperity for farmers. Notably, the introduction of modern agricultural equipment and facilities aimed at elevating agricultural practices was a centerpiece of her government’s agricultural initiatives.

The chief minister articulated a vision for education that mirrored elite institutions, outlining plans for establishing the Nawaz Sharif Children’s Library Complex and unveiling ambitious educational programs. Additionally, she unveiled welfare initiatives aimed at assisting the handicapped, unveiling the proposed ‘Himmat Card’ aimed at providing significant support to the disabled, effectively reducing the burden on their families.

Further underlining her administration’s commitment to societal welfare, Maryam Nawaz announced initiatives such as the ‘free milk’ program for students in government schools, along with the revival of the renowned laptop scheme and concerted efforts to promote digital literacy among children in collaboration with Google International.

The focus on recreational and sports facilities, as well as comprehensive healthcare initiatives including air ambulance services, reflected the multifaceted approach of the government in addressing diverse societal needs.

In sum, Maryam Nawaz’s address highlighted a robust platform of comprehensive and ambitious initiatives aimed at transforming Punjab’s societal, economic, and educational landscape, signaling an unyielding commitment to the province’s progress and welfare.

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