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Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Rare Visit to North Korea

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The Kremlin announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin will embark on an exceptional trip to North Korea on Tuesday and Wednesday, signifying the burgeoning partnership between Moscow and the reclusive nuclear-armed state. This visit is uncommon, given the infrequency of high-level diplomatic engagements between the two nations. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un extended the invitation to Putin during his visit to Russia’s Far East in September last year. Notably, Putin’s last visit to Pyongyang dates back to July 2000.

The official statement from the Kremlin reads, “At the invitation of the Chairman of State Affairs of the DPRK, Kim Jong Un, Vladimir Putin will pay a friendly state visit to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on June 18-19.” Following his visit to North Korea, Putin is scheduled to visit Vietnam on June 19-20, according to the Kremlin’s announcement.

This landmark visit underscores Russia’s concerted efforts to showcase the resurgence of its ties with North Korea, particularly in the wake of the conflict in Ukraine, which has led to a significant strain in Moscow’s relations with the West. Amidst his assertion that Russia is engaged in an existential battle with the West over Ukraine, Putin’s engagement with Kim enables him to provoke Washington and its Asian allies while strengthening Russia’s support in the Ukraine conflict.

The United States and its allies have alleged that North Korea supplied weapons to Russia to aid its operations in Ukraine. However, North Korea has consistently refuted these claims, dismissing them as fabrications concocted by Western propagandists. The rare visit by President Putin to North Korea carries implications for regional dynamics and global geopolitics, with potential ramifications for ongoing international discussions and power shifts.

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