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Seven-Member Bench Speeds Up Petition Hearings

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ISLAMABAD: Chief Justice Umar Ata Bandial of Pakistan declared on Thursday that the Supreme Court will expedite the hearing of petitions challenging the trial of civilians in military courts, dismissing any plans to halt the ongoing trials.

The Chief Justice emphasized the need to refrain from issuing stay orders on every matter while presiding over a seven-member bench. The bench included Justice Ijazul Ahsan, Justice Mansoor Ali Shah, Justice Muneeb Akhtar, Justice Yahya Afridi, Justice Ayesha Malik, and Justice Mazahir Ali Naqvi.

Initially, a nine-member bench was formed to address the pleas; however, objections were raised by Justice Qazi Faez Isa and Justice Tariq Masood regarding the composition of the bench.

Justice Faez Isa, the Senior Puisne Judge, expressed his dissatisfaction, stating that he did not consider the nine-member bench to be a legitimate panel. Justice Masood supported his stance.

Justice Isa emphasized the importance of the Supreme Court issuing a verdict on the Supreme Court Practice and Procedure Act of 2023 before forming new benches to address the matter.

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