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The Declining Relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan

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Arshad Mahmood Awan

The intricate and intricate nature of the deteriorating relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan has been a subject of critical analysis. With the ascension of the Taliban to power, there was a prevalent expectation in Pakistan for a revival of the historical ties between the two countries, especially given Pakistan’s close association with the Taliban. This sentiment was exemplified by the widely circulated image of an erstwhile Director General of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) in Kabul, signifying a renewed alignment between Pakistan and the Taliban.

Emotional factors have long been a significant force in shaping Pakistan’s foreign policy towards Afghanistan. It’s crucial to recognize that while emotional ties play a role, the pursuit of national interests largely guides international relations. Some argue that Pakistan’s approach to Afghanistan has been more influenced by emotional intuitions than pragmatic considerations, a situation exacerbated by the unpredictable nature of political regimes in Afghanistan.

The enduring relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan has been deeply intertwined with historical intricacies, emphasizing the depth and complexity of these relations. The Taliban’s pursuit of international legitimacy and support has positioned Pakistan as a pivotal ally. Conversely, Pakistan has sought an affable regime in Kabul, partly owing to the Durand Line issue and its strategic interests. These historical complexities wield substantial influence in shaping the current state of bilateral relations.

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The lack of adherence to international law and border norms by both countries has been a major obstacle to fostering stable relations. The issue of cross-border terrorism, in particular, remains a significant challenge. For the bilateral relationship to thrive, it is not just important but essential for Pakistan to respect Afghanistan’s sovereignty, and for Afghanistan to reciprocate accordingly. The Taliban’s commitment to prevent the use of their territory against other nations is a significant step, and Afghanistan’s compliance with international law is crucial to pave the way for an improvement in mutual relations.

The relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan holds significant potential for mutual benefit. In the realm of international relations, neighboring countries can be powerful strategic partners. Therefore, it is not only crucial but also promising for Pakistan and Afghanistan to work together to address the interests of both nations.

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