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Tragic Deaths of Pakistani Pilgrims During Hajj 2024

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The Federal Ministry of Religious Affairs has confirmed the devastating loss of as many as 35 Pakistani pilgrims during this year’s Hajj due to extreme heat. The deaths, which occurred as a result of soaring temperatures and heat exhaustion, have contributed to a total of over 900 pilgrims losing their lives during the pilgrimage, as reported by the AFP.

In addition to Pakistan, numerous other countries, including Egypt, India, Jordan, Indonesia, Iran, Senegal, Tunisia, and Iraq, have also reported the deaths of their citizens during the Hajj.

Abdul Wahab Soomro, the Director General of Pakistan’s Haj Mission, revealed that out of the reported deaths, 20 pilgrims passed away in Makkah, six in Madina, four in Mina, three in Arafat, and two in Muzdalifah. Soomro emphasized the challenging conditions faced by the pilgrims, citing temperatures reaching 50°C during the Hajj.

Furthermore, the ministry clarified that they rely on information provided by the Saudi government and confirm the deaths themselves. They also underscored that, in accordance with Saudi government regulations, permission from the heirs of the deceased is sought for burial, with funeral arrangements made based on the family’s preferences.

Amidst the unfolding tragedy, reports have surfaced of friends and family members of missing Hajj pilgrims frantically searching hospitals and seeking information online, fearing for the well-being of their loved ones.

The Hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam, is a sacred duty for Muslims who have the means to undertake the pilgrimage. Its timing, based on the Islamic lunar calendar, changes annually in the Gregorian calendar. In recent years, the timing of the pilgrimage has coincided with the scorching Saudi summer, presenting considerable challenges for the pilgrims who are participating in the mainly outdoor rituals.

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