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US Raises Eyebrows as Israeli Government Pushes for West Bank Expansion

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In a bold move by the Israeli government under the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu, plans to expand settlements in the West Bank have triggered alarm bells in the United States, according to an official statement from the US State Department.

The State Department’s statement expressed deep unease and apprehension over the Israeli government’s decision to advance the planning for more than 4,000 settlement units in the West Bank.

Furthermore, the statement highlighted concerns about potential changes to Israel’s settlement administration system, which could potentially expedite the planning and approval processes for settlements.

Reaffirming its longstanding policy, the State Department emphasized its opposition to unilateral actions that hinder the achievement of a two-state solution and act as obstacles to peace.

The United States, a key player in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, is closely monitoring the situation and remains committed to promoting a peaceful resolution that respects the rights and aspirations of both parties.

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