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US slams China for blocking UN meeting on North Korea’s Atrocities

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On Friday, the United States accused China of concealing North Korea’s brutalities from the world by obstructing the live webcast of an informal meeting of United Nations Security Council members concerning Pyongyang’s alleged human rights abuses.

“Some council members are more than eager to protect the regime from being held accountable,” said Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, in a veiled reference to China and Russia.

China and Russia argue that the 15-member Security Council, which is responsible for maintaining international peace and security, should not address human rights issues. They argue that such meetings should be limited to other UN entities, such as the UN Human Rights Council or the UN General Assembly.

Xing Jisheng, a Chinese diplomat, stated that the meeting, co-hosted by the United States and Albania, was “not beneficial in any way.” “Rather than alleviating tension, it may exacerbate the conflict and, as a result, is an irresponsible action. The use of U.N. WebTV for live broadcasts is a waste of U.N. resources,” he said.

For such informal discussions to be broadcast live by the United Nations, all 15 council members must approve, and diplomats stated that it is uncommon for a broadcast to be blocked. Despite China’s opposition, the meeting on Friday remained public, and the media was present.

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