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WAPDA all set to achieve major milestone to divert river Indus by November for Diamer Basha Dam

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The Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) is on the verge of accomplishing a significant milestone in the construction of the Diamer Basha Dam project – diverting the River Indus. This diversion, scheduled to take place before the end of November, will be a crucial step in the realization of this ambitious hydropower project.

The diversion of the River Indus will be achieved through a meticulously constructed system comprising a nearly one-kilometer-long diversion tunnel and an 0.8-kilometer-long diversion canal. This intricate network will channel the river’s waters away from the dam site, allowing for the unhindered construction of the dam’s foundation and main structure.

The successful diversion of the River Indus marks a pivotal moment in the Diamer Basha Dam project, paving the way for its completion in 2028. Upon completion, this majestic dam will harness the power of the River Indus, generating an impressive 4,500 megawatts of electricity – a significant contribution to Pakistan’s energy needs.

Beyond its electricity generation capabilities, the Diamer Basha Dam will also play a crucial role in flood control, irrigation, and socioeconomic development. The dam’s reservoir will have a storage capacity of 16.3 million acre-feet, enabling the regulation of water flows during both flood and drought seasons. Additionally, the dam will provide irrigation water to over 160,000 hectares of agricultural land, enhancing agricultural productivity and food security in the region.

Overall, the diversion of the River Indus represents a major milestone in the Diamer Basha Dam project, heralding the realization of a project that promises to transform Pakistan’s energy landscape and contribute to the nation’s socioeconomic progress.

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