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Zardari Hints at Tabling No-Trust Motions against PTI Govts in K-P, Punjab

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Former president and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) co-chairman Asif Ali Zardari on Thursday stated that the coalition government at the Centre had decided to table no-confidence motions in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa assemblies, claiming that he has ‘enough numbers’ in both legislatures.

In an interview with a private TV channel, Zardari said that the motions would be tabled “everywhere”. “We have seats even in K-P… some of our friends have wandered off but we will bring them back. They won’t have to resign because of the solution we’ll provide,” he added.

Ruling out early elections in the country, the former president said that it will not suit them or democracy.

“It is too early and immature to make any predictions regarding the elections. I don’t believe the establishment will be able to compel us into early elections,” he remarked.

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