According to the president of “The Association of administrative federalism, ” they are a representative body of all provincial civil services, including provincial police. The association’s objectives are administrative federalism, devolution and de-centralization protected in the constitution of Pakistan. They are registered under the societies registration act to implement laws and the constitution on the civil services and subsequently reform it accordingly.
President AOAF, Noman Wazir, a civil servant from KPK, has written a letter to all chief ministers to surrender all PAS officers from provinces. The President AOAF asserts that officers of the Pakistan Administrative Service PAS are placed in the provinces through an agreement of 1949. However, lately, it has come to the surface that the agreement was not contracted, and the whole scheme of reserving posts connected with the affairs of a province is fraud and misleading. He further asserts that all provincial posts fall under article 240 (b), and only provinces enjoy constitutional authority on provincial posts. Therefore, all PAS officers placed in provinces are unconstitutional and, through a fraudulent agreement, should be surrendered to Establishment Division, Islam Abad.
He further insists that provincial autonomy is guaranteed in the constitution of Pakistan in the aftermath of the 18th amendment. The provincial governments should exercise it firstly by appointing the chief secretary from the provincial services, followed by surrendering all federal PAS officers. Provincial services have the constitutional mandate to run the administrative affairs of a province. How can federal and provincial services run the affairs of the province simultaneously? He further adds that it is the fundamental constitutional anomaly of governance and the sole reason for failing governance and federalism in Pakistan.