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Critical Evaluation of the Argument for Fresh Elections in Pakistan: A Detailed Analysis

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Barrister Roman Malik

Furthermore, free and fair elections create a competitive environment for political parties and candidates. This competition incentivizes them to present clear policies, engage in debate, and ultimately, deliver on their promises to secure votes. Additionally, the threat of losing future elections holds elected officials accountable to the people, deterring corruption and encouraging responsible governance. Regular and credible elections ensure a peaceful and predictable transfer of power, avoiding violent conflicts and instability. When citizens have faith in the electoral process, they are more likely to accept the results, even if their preferred candidate does not win. This fosters political stability and allows for a smooth transition between different administrations.

Free and fair elections can contribute to reducing social tensions and promoting social cohesion. They provide a platform for marginalized groups to have their voices heard and potentially gain representation. This inclusivity fosters a sense of belonging and equal participation within society, reducing the risk of social unrest and promoting peaceful coexistence. Studies have shown a positive correlation between democratic governance with free and fair elections and economic development. Stable and predictable political environments attract investment, encourage entrepreneurship, and foster economic growth. Additionally, democracies with free and fair elections tend to have better records on human rights and individual freedoms, creating a more just and equitable society.

The call for fresh elections in Pakistan following the 2024 elections is a complex issue with valid arguments on both sides. This analysis dissects the strengths and weaknesses of the argument, considering various perspectives and offering additional points for consideration.

Strengths of the Argument for Fresh Elections:

  • Erosion of Public Trust: The nationwide suspension of mobile phone services during the elections raised significant concerns and fueled allegations of manipulation. This lack of transparency and communication blackout undoubtedly eroded public trust in the electoral process, a fundamental pillar of democracy.
  • Uncertain Effectiveness of Security Measure: While security concerns regarding potential attacks are legitimate, the effectiveness of the blanket mobile phone suspension remains questionable. 11 attacks still occurred in high-risk areas, suggesting alternative security measures could have been implemented without compromising communication.
  • Amplified Anti-Establishment Sentiment: The perception of manipulated elections aligns with the existing narrative of establishment interference, potentially emboldening anti-system actors like the TTP and Baloch insurgents. This further destabilizes the political landscape and undermines the legitimacy of the government.
  • Potential for Targeted Manipulation: If specific parties or individuals were indeed targeted, as some speculate, it raises serious concerns about the impartiality of the electoral process and undermines democratic principles. A thorough investigation into such allegations is crucial.

Weaknesses of the Argument for Fresh Elections:

  • Limited Evidence of Widespread Manipulation: While suspicions exist, concrete evidence of widespread and systematic manipulation is absent as per governmental agencies. Focusing solely on the mobile service suspension ignores other potential factors, such as pre-existing political tensions, historical patterns of irregularities, and potential flaws in the electoral system itself.
  • Alternative Explanations for Security Concerns: Dismissing the security concerns entirely would be irresponsible. The government has a responsibility to ensure public safety during elections, and alternative security measures might not have been foolproof. A more nuanced analysis of the specific threats and the effectiveness of the chosen measures is necessary.
  • Uncertain Impact of Fresh Elections: Holding new elections immediately might not guarantee a more transparent or credible outcome, especially in a highly charged and polarized political environment. Addressing the underlying causes of distrust and instability, such as electoral reform, strengthening institutions, and fostering dialogue, might be more effective in the long run.
  • Potential for Further Instability: Fresh elections could exacerbate the existing political crisis by deepening existing divisions and creating a power vacuum. A period of stability and dialogue might be necessary to ensure a more peaceful and credible electoral process in the future.

Critical Evaluation:

  • The role of independent institutions: The judiciary and media play crucial roles in investigating allegations, ensuring transparency, and holding perpetrators accountable. Their independence and effectiveness are critical.
  • Broader electoral reforms: Beyond simply holding new elections, addressing the root causes of electoral irregularities through comprehensive reforms is essential. This could include strengthening voter registration, improving ballot security, and increasing transparency in campaign financing.
  • Dialogue and compromise: Fostering dialogue and compromise among all political actors is crucial to overcome the current impasse and build trust in the electoral process. This requires a willingness to engage in constructive dialogue and address each other’s concerns.
  • Role of the international community: The international community can play a supporting role in encouraging dialogue, providing technical assistance for electoral reforms, and observing future elections to ensure their credibility.
  • Form 45 and 47: The real challenge is the consolidation of form 45 and 47. There are serious allegations of forms being manipulated. Even post-ballot analysis of Republic Policy shows clear discrepancies in this regard.

Importantly, if the elections are rigged, there is a need to fix the responsibility. Why should the nation again go for elections without fixing the responsibility? However, there is always truth and reconciliation. And therefore, it is important that the crisis be solved politically rather than administratively. 

The decision to hold fresh elections in Pakistan is complex and requires careful consideration of all perspectives. While the concerns regarding the recent elections are valid and deserve thorough investigation, alternative approaches that prioritize dialogue, evidence-based solutions, and addressing the root causes of instability might be more effective in the long run. Ultimately, the goal should be to strengthen democratic institutions, restore public trust, and ensure fair and credible elections for all citizens of Pakistan.

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