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Economy needs to be stabilised with Islamic banking system: Ishaq Dar

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KARACHI (Dunya News) – Minister for Finance Ishaq Dar said on Wednesday that the country’s economy needs to be stabilised with the Islamic banking system.

He said, “Islamic banking system in Pakistan is successful and facilitation of terrorists can also be stopped through this banking system, adding that whole world is trying to link everyone with the banking system as it has become a need of the hour.” “The Islamic banking system has over 5 trillion deposits until now,” he added. 

He expressed his satlisfaction that Islamic banking was getting edge over the conventional banking by having strong base of assets in trillion of rupees.

He was confident that within next five years period set by FSC, the country’s financial system could be coverted into Islamic system. And, that we as a nation should move to ‘Zakat and Ushr’ system

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