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FPCCI to challenge the IPP agreements in Supreme Court

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Dr. Gohar Ejaz, the former Interim Commerce Minister, recently made an announcement regarding the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry’s (FPCCI) plans to challenge the agreements with Independent Power Producers (IPP). He disclosed this information in a tweet, stating that the FPCCI, as the representative body of Pakistan’s business community, intends to formally petition the Supreme Court for intervention in what he described as an intolerable situation affecting the right to life of every Pakistani citizen.

Ejaz’s primary concern lies in the urgency of the current IPP agreements, under which Pakistan is reportedly paying substantial amounts to companies that are not effectively generating electricity. He emphasized that the resultant high cost of electricity has become burdensome, driving many citizens into poverty and causing numerous businesses to face bankruptcy.

Furthermore, Ejaz referenced a detailed report authored in 2020 by former Interim Energy Minister Muhammad Ali, which revealed significant losses amounting to hundreds of billions due to government inefficiency and misrepresentation by IPPs. He questioned the lack of complete implementation of the report’s recommendations and the absence of an ordered forensic audit as demanded in the report.

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In a bold statement, Ejaz urged the government to prioritize the well-being of 240 million Pakistanis over securing guaranteed profits for a select few families. He stressed the need for Pakistan to address mismanagement and leverage its rich resources to attain prosperity. Ejaz highlighted the severe impact of high electricity costs on Pakistan’s industries and the lives of its 240 million inhabitants.

Ejaz concluded by warning against repeating past mistakes merely to allow a new group of “investors” to profit without making meaningful contributions. His statements emphasize the urgency of addressing the issues surrounding IPP agreements and high electricity costs for the betterment of Pakistan’s economy and the welfare of its people, and the crucial role that each citizen and business community member can play in this process.

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