From Napi Politician to Ahsan Farmosh; Pervez Elahi Continues to break myths of Imran Khan

It is a story from napi politician to Ahsan Faramosh. Can supporters of Ik believe that their own partner PE has said so?

By Rehan Kazmi

The former Prime Minister is arguably the most popular leader in Pakistan. Then, his opponents claim him to be the most narcissistic politician in Pakistan. Nevertheless, his supporters claim him the most principled politician in the country. In view of the preceding, Imran Khan claims that no one can blackmail him. The assertion is, can anyone blackmail IK or not? Sources close to him claim that It is not easy to blackmail him, especially when he is down and out. However, this may be different for Pervez Elahi or the Q league.

Pervez Elahi generally does not state harsh words about politicians. He is a conservative politician with hardly any public support. He and his party may have some candidature support in a few constituencies, yet that has never been a political support. lets come to the argument whether IK can be blackmailed or not! Why do politicians get blackmailed? They get blackmailed owing to the reasons to preserve and promote their interests. So, when IK and PTI had the lure of power, politicians blackmailed them, and Pervez Elahi was the leading politician among them. IK and PTI never thought to make Pervez Elahi the Chief Minister, but he is not only the CM but also a very powerful CM. Whole bureaucracy and administration toe Pervez Elahi, Although it was never the case in Buzdar Regime.

Back in March, IK and PTI wanted to save the federal government at all costs, and it is justifiable. Even IK sacrificed the meek Buzdar, who might be the first point of a clash between IK and the Establishment. As soon as Ik was in trouble, he renounced the Buzdar and offered CMship to the veteran, Pervez Elahi. Then, IK fought the Bye elections only to make PE the Punjab chief minister. PE knew the vulnerability of IKs desire for power as has been a hallmark of all the politicians. Thus, he knew he could have blackmailed IK and PE did it with impunity.

It is the story of Napi’s kid to Ahsan Faramosh. Can anyone believe PE referred it for IK? Then, most importantly, he is still the chief minister of IK and PTI. It is politics. Pervez Elahi settles all scores in front of the camera, and PTI remains mum. So, politicians compromise, and IK is no exception. However, the most critical question is, will PTI and Q league continue to partner in the future? Many sources within the party claim that PTI will not formulate an alliance with any party, including the Q league. They might offer Q league to merge with PTI. However, Q league denies it, as none knows who Q league is. The Chaudhry Shujat factor is also significant for the Q league. Then, PE and sons are only the parties, and they extend only to a few constituencies.

Sources claim that more than 200 billion rupees are reserved for developing the Gujrat Division and allied districts. Will PTI answer this discretion? Is for the development of Gujrat, PTI ran the movement of Real Azadi? Is this the outcome of their campaign? The argument still needs to finish here. Despite developing his constituencies, PE has invested in bureaucracy and allied with several bureaucrats within his influence. Hence, PE has exploited the situation in his favour, and PTI is merely a spectator. What did Buzdar do to Punjab? Reportedly, all close bureaucratic aids to Buzdar filed statements against him in the cases. It is his outcome of benevolence. PTI must understand that N league sways among all forms of bureaucracy. PE has also allied with so many bureaucrats around him. What has PTI done in these five years in Punjab? They do not have bureaucrats with whom they could associate with running the affairs of a province. They must learn from PE how to exploit the state machinery for good and bad as well.

Coming back to the main point, will IK remain a partner of the Q league? The Politics of PE and sons is directly opposite to that of IK and PTI. It can only be an alliance of interests, as no ideology involves in it. Q league is status quo and believes in nepotism, friendship and adjustments than law and merit. Then, at least, IK and PTI trumpet merit and transparency. Despite ideological differences, will IK continue to partner with a person who openly refers to IK and PTI, a napi politician and Ahsan Farmosh? Is this not sufficient to establish that IK gets blackmailed? Once, IK would tell his voters that PE was the biggest dacoit of all the politicians. At that time, PE was a potential PM candidate, and MNS and BB were not in the race, so PE was the competitor. With the change in time, MNS and AZ became competitors as PE lost political ground. Accordingly, the MNS and AZ became the biggest dacoits, and PE became the partner. Thus, anyone who is a competitor is a dacoit.

Suppose MNS and AZ become irrelevant in politics and any other emerges as the competitor of IK. In that case, IK will declare him the most corrupt person and make the MNS and AZ his partners, as happened in the PE case. It is politics of interest. If IK can make PE his political partner, why not make AZ and MNS his partners in the cause of democracy and the economy? Undoubtedly, Ik is the most popular leader of Pakistan. He will win elections whenever these are held. IK should uphold his principles than the interests of others. His supporters love him for a few reasons. One of them is that none can blackmail him. Then, PE has done it for the last five years, as all PTI know it.
Moreover, this blackmailing by PE has rendered a lousy image of IK to the public. So, the sooner he gets it right, the better he will be. He does not need to listen to phrases like napi politician and Ahsan Faramosh.

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