The Punjab government has introduced rewards of up to Rs10 million for the capture of the most dangerous kacha dacoits in an effort to eradicate the persistent threat posed by these criminals. A government notice issued on Friday stated that high-value targets are eligible for a Rs10 million bounty, while lower categories of dangerous bandits are being offered rewards of Rs5 million and Rs2.5 million.
In the wake of a violent incident where a police van was targeted with rockets, resulting in the deaths of over 12 policemen and multiple injuries, the Punjab government has replaced the top police command in Rahim Yar Khan. DPO Imran Ahmed Malik, SP Muhammad Javed Akhtar Jatoi, and DSP Kaleem Ahmad have been relieved of their duties, and Rizwan Omer Gondal, the former Senior Superintendent of Police at the CTD Punjab in Lahore, has been appointed the new DPO of Rahim Yar Khan.
Despite significant financial investment from the national exchequer since the 1990s, the issue of kacha dacoits has persisted. A joint operation by the Sindh and Punjab police last year cost over Rs4 billion, yet the problem remains unresolved. Reports indicate that these bandits often vanish when operations commence, only to resurface later, often with increased strength.
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In response to the recent attack, the Punjab Government has deployed additional forces of CTD and police to the Kacha area with instructions to intensify the operation. The government is also contemplating the use of advanced technology and additional resources to bolster the ongoing efforts.
Furthermore, the Punjab police confirmed the death of the main suspect, Bashir Shar, in a retaliatory action following the attack. The operation also resulted in injuries to five of Shar’s accomplices: Sanaullah Shar, Gada Ali, Kamlu Shar, Ramzan Shar, and Gadi.