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Lebanon has filed a new complaint against Israel at the United Nations amid border tensions

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Lebanon has lodged a complaint with the UN Security Council in response to Israel’s accusation of Lebanon’s non-compliance with UN Resolution 1701.

A Foreign Ministry statement said the complaint contained documentary evidence of Israel’s violation of Resolution 1701.

The statement accused Israel of distorting the facts by holding Lebanon responsible for flagrant violations of its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Resolution 1701, adopted on August 11, 2006, calls for a complete cessation of hostilities between Lebanon and Israel.

It calls on Israel to withdraw from the Blue Line and demilitarize the area between that line and the Litani River in Lebanon, allowing only the Lebanese Army and the United Nations Transitional Force in Lebanon to enter the area. Possession of weapons and military equipment will be allowed.

Last week, Lebanon filed a complaint against Israel at the United Nations over the death of Hamas deputy head Saleh al-Aruri in the capital Beirut.

Tensions have risen along Lebanon’s border with Israel since the Israeli army launched a deadly military operation in the Gaza Strip following an Oct. 7 attack by Hamas, amid cross-border firefights between Hezbollah and Israeli forces.

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