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Pakistan Calls for Preserving UN Charter

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Pakistan has called for preserving the principles of the UN Charter and the mandate of constructive and cooperative multilateralism.  

This was stated by Pakistan’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Munir Akram while passing a statement in the General Assembly Plenary “Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Security Council.”

He stated that Pakistan welcomes this annual General Assembly debate on the reform of the Security Council. He said today the principles of the UN Charter and structures built 77 years ago are under extreme pressure due to revived excellent power rivalry and competition.

The Ambassador stated that the General Assembly has repeatedly agreed that the Security Council needs reformation through its expansion hinging on equitable geographic representation. He noted that the world requires a more representative, democratic, transparent, effective, and accountable Security Council.

Munir Akram said the Security Council reform involves each member state’s vital national interest.

He regretted that, unfortunately, consensus on Security Council reform has been impeded, from the outset, by the demand of four countries that they be selected as new permanent members in an expanded Security Council.

He said their demand violates the principle of sovereign equality of States; it ignores the reality that permanent membership and the veto are often the cause of the Council’s inaction. The problem cannot be offered as a solution.

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