On Tuesday, Pakistan announced the successful training launch of the Shaheen-II surface-to-surface ballistic missile. The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) stated that the purpose of the training launch was to train troops, validate technical parameters, and evaluate the performance of various sub-systems for improved accuracy and survivability.
Senior officers from the Strategic Plans Division, Army Strategic Forces Command, and scientists and engineers were in attendance to witness the training launch. The Director General of the Strategic Plans Division appreciated the technical prowess and dedication of the scientists involved in the achievement.
President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee General Sahir Shamshad Mirza, and the services chiefs congratulated the scientists and engineers for their accomplishment.
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In addition to the Shaheen-II missile test, Pakistan had previously conducted a successful training launch of the Fateh-II Guided Rocket System in May, and a test flight of the Ababeel weapons system in October 2023. These technological advancements aim to strengthen deterrence and enhance strategic stability in the region.