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Pakistan’s Internet Crisis: Disruption and Impact on Daily Life

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Usman Javaid

The recent unannounced collapse of the internet in Pakistan has had significant repercussions for the country’s 111 million internet users, representing nearly half of the population. WhatsApp, a widely used platform, has been particularly affected, with many users experiencing the sudden disappearance of messages and the inability to download attached material.

The impact of this internet blackout has been especially acute for freelancers, who are now unable to send work to companies overseas. Some organizations offering work to Pakistani freelancers have withdrawn their services, exacerbating the already high unemployment rate of over six per cent. This crisis has dealt a severe blow to many, particularly as freelancing has become a crucial source of income for numerous Pakistanis.

The lack of transparency surrounding the cause of this internet disruption has led to widespread speculation and uncertainty. While authorities have provided various explanations, including the construction of a firewall, these have failed to quell concerns. The absence of similar issues in neighboring countries has only deepened the mystery, fueling suspicions that the full truth has not been disclosed.

The use of VPNs has offered partial respite for some users, albeit with the added challenge of regularly switching VPNs to maintain connectivity. However, this temporary solution underscores the widespread and multifaceted difficulties experienced by individuals and organizations across Pakistan, marking a departure from previous, more localized internet restrictions.

Experts have noted that this crisis has effectively regressed Pakistan’s technological progress by decades, hampering business and communications in an era characterized by rapid advancements. The widespread reliance on applications like WhatsApp has magnified the impact, affecting both businesses and their employees, as well as the media industry.

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As rumors circulate regarding the potential implementation of a firewall, citizens rightfully demand transparency and clarity from relevant authorities. The abrupt and unreliable nature of this internet disruption has left users of all ages struggling to access essential communications, with internet companies acknowledging the issue while absolving themselves of responsibility. The absence of a clear explanation, coupled with the uncertainty regarding the duration of the disruption and its potential implications, has compounded the sense of crisis.

The broader economic impact has underlined the urgency of addressing this issue, with both large corporations and smaller businesses feeling the repercussions. The need for a swift resolution is paramount, given the widespread reliance on internet access for various facets of daily life, from education and work to communication and livelihoods.

As such, it is imperative that the authorities shed light on the root causes of the crisis and communicate a comprehensive plan for resolution. Transparency is essential in addressing technical, security, or other underlying concerns, particularly given the fundamental role of internet communications in modern society.

The current situation demands a swift and transparent response to ensure the continuity of essential services and the resumption of normalcy for all internet users. Failure to provide such clarity may prolong the crisis and impede the country’s progress during these challenging times. Accordingly, the government’s approach to the internet disruptions lacks transparency and appears to prioritize deflecting blame over finding a meaningful solution. This inadequate response raises questions about the authorities’ willingness to address the concerns of the public and businesses affected by the internet issues. Notably, the disruptions are creating a political disadvantage for the PMLN government, which is already facing a crisis of political legitimacy. The youth want a progressive approach from the government so that they get more and better economic opportunities. In the modern world of technology and internet connectivity, internet facilitation is a must. Therefore, the government must end this policy of negligence and denial and ensure timely and speedy internet as the provision of the internet is taken as a fundamental right now.

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