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Resignations Rock Pakistan’s Supreme Court: A Shocking Two-Part Drama

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In a dramatic turn of events, Pakistan’s Supreme Court has been rocked by two consecutive resignations from its highest benches. Just one day after Justice Mazahar Ali Akbar Naqvi stepped down facing misconduct allegations, Justice Ijazul Ahsan, who was slated to become the next Chief Justice, followed suit.

Justice Ahsan’s resignation letter addressed to the president offered no specific reason for his sudden departure. Yet, it hinted at deep-seated frustration with the ongoing inquiry against Justice Naqvi. Ahsan, part of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) investigating Naqvi, had criticized the hasty proceedings and lack of open debate. He disagreed with the process and its lack of merit in the Naqvi case.

This dramatic development comes against the backdrop of a tumultuous year for the judiciary. Justice Ahsan himself was embroiled in controversies, facing complaints against his conduct in the high-profile Panamagate case and alleged violation of the judges’ code of conduct.

While the true motives behind the resignations remain unclear, the PML-N party has seized the opportunity to demand accountability. They question whether these resignations are intended to escape scrutiny and emphasize that stepping down alone won’t suffice. They call for a thorough investigation to ensure justice for the alleged “injustices” inflicted on the nation.

These resignations raise serious concerns about the state of Pakistan’s judiciary. The lack of transparency and allegations of misconduct cast a shadow over the institution’s impartiality and credibility. While the true motivations behind the judges’ decisions remain to be fully understood, the public demands answers and a process to restore faith in the judicial system.

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