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South Africa’s Jacob Zuma to contest upcoming election

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A recent court ruling in South Africa has overturned an earlier decision to bar former president Jacob Zuma from running for office in the country’s upcoming general election. The ruling was made by the Electoral Court, and it allows Zuma to contest the polls as a presidential candidate for the uMkhonto weSizwe Party (MK), which he joined last year after denouncing the governing African National Congress (ANC) party that he once led. The electoral commission had initially ruled that Zuma could not run for office due to his criminal record after it received an objection to his candidacy.

The decision to allow Zuma to run has come as a surprise to many, including political analysts in South Africa. The ruling comes at a time when the ANC is struggling in the polls due to a weak economy, allegations of corruption, and mismanagement. Some opinion polls place the MK at over 10% nationwide, which would make it the third or fourth political force behind the ANC and the liberal Democratic Alliance. The party is expected to do particularly well in KwaZulu-Natal, which is Zuma’s home province.

Despite scandals and corruption allegations, Zuma remains popular among the country’s more than 10 million Zulus. As such, the MK largely relies on his considerable political clout to make a strong showing in the upcoming elections. South Africans will be voting for a new parliament, which will, in turn, elect the president.

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