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Indus Treaty hearing kicks off: Pakistan vs India

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THE HAGUE: The initial session in a disagreement between Pakistan and India concerning the Indus Waters Treaty began on Friday at the Permanent Court of Arbitration after the Modi-led Indian government continuously refused to address the issues Pakistan raised at the Permanent Indus Commission and during government-level talks.

The dispute brought before the court pertains to issues raised by Pakistan over India’s construction of the 330 MW Kishenganga hydroelectric undertaking on River Jhelum as well as Indian plans to construct the 850 MW Ratle Hydroelectric Project on River Chenab in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

As the session began, the Office of the Attorney General took notice of news stories appearing in the Indian press regarding New Delhi’s attempt at a unilateral modification of the Indus Waters Treaty.

“Such stories are misleading. The Treaty cannot be unilaterally modified. This is an attempt to shift attention from the ongoing proceedings at the Permanent Court of Arbitration under the Indus Waters Treaty,” the statement clarified.

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