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International Solidarity Day on 20th December Delivers the Values of Humanity

International solidarity day on 20th December remembers us the superior cause of humanity and human rights.
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According to Millennium Declaration, Solidarity is one of the fundamental values of international relations in the 21st Century. Those who either suffer or benefit least deserve help from those who benefit the most. Consequently, strengthening international solidarity is indispensable in globalization and the challenge of growing imbalances.
Therefore, the UN General Assembly, convinced that promoting the culture of solidarity and the spirit of sharing is essential for combating poverty, proclaimed 20 December as International Human Solidarity Day.
Through endeavours such as installing the World Solidarity Fund to eliminate poverty and the proclamation of International Human Solidarity Day, the UN and world nations encouraged solidarity as crucial in the fight against poverty and the involvement of all relevant stakeholders.

The concept of solidarity has defined the work of the United Nations since the birth of the Organization. The creation of the United Nations drew the peoples and nations of the world together to promote peace, human rights and social and economic development. The Organization was founded on the fundamental premise of unity and harmony among its members, expressed in the concept of collective security that relies on the solidarity of its members to unite “to maintain international peace and security.”

In the spirit of solidarity, the Organization relies on “cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural or humanitarian character” as well.
The General Assembly, on 22 December 2005, by resolution 60/209, identified solidarity as one of the fundamental and universal values that should underlie relations between peoples in the twenty-first Century, and in that regard, decided to proclaim 20 December of each year International Human Solidarity Day.
By resolution 57/265, the General Assembly, on 20 December 2002, established the World Solidarity Fund, which was set up in February 2003 as a trust fund of the United Nations Development Programme. Its purpose is to eradicate poverty and promote human and social development in developing countries, particularly among the poorest components of their populations.

International solidarity day represents the celebration of unity in diversity. It includes a day to remind governments to respect their commitments to international agreements to raise public awareness of the importance of solidarity. It is the day to encourage debate on how to promote solidarity for achieving Sustainable Development Goals, including poverty eradication and the promotion of human rights. Hence, it is a day of action to encourage new initiatives for poverty eradication.

Pakistan believes in the ideals of international solidarity day. It has always supported international endeavors for world peace and ensuring solidarity among nations. Pakistan has contributed significantly to the peacekeeping missions of the world. It has helped all human rights movements across the globe. Pakistan stands firm in the just cause of Palestine and Kashmir. Pakistan believes that international solidarity means the just resolutions of all international conflicts on the ideals of solidarity day. Justice, participation and representation shall provide the implementation of the standards of solidarity, including human rights, peace and eradicating poverty.

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