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Join Us as a Volunteer Writer: Team Republic Policy

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Team Republic Policy

Republic Policy: Shaping Pakistan’s Future Through Volunteer Voices

Nestled within the intellectual landscape of Pakistan stands Republic Policy, a unique entity driven by volunteers. This think tank is more than just research and reports; it’s a platform for informed discussion, impactful change, and fostering public awareness. Through their open call to writers, they invite individuals, particularly students and young professionals, to contribute their expertise and perspectives in shaping a better Pakistan.

The Volunteer Advantage:

Joining Republic Policy isn’t just about getting your voice heard; it’s about actively influencing the nation’s future. Here’s what awaits you:

  • Impactful Contribution: Your insights can spark discussions, inform policymaking, and ultimately drive positive change on a national scale.
  • Invaluable Experience: Hone your writing, research, and critical thinking skills while collaborating with passionate individuals dedicated to making a difference.
  • Network Expansion: Connect with experts, engage in collaborative research, and build a network within the policy and research domain.
  • Published Authorship: Share your knowledge through widely-read publications and their dedicated video channel, becoming a published author in the process.

Open Doors for the Next Generation:

While all are welcome, Republic Policy specifically encourages participation from students, trainees, and young professionals. This resonates with their mission to empower the next generation by fostering awareness and engagement in civic discourse. They believe young minds hold the key to shaping a more informed and just Pakistan.

Joining the Movement:

Contributing is simple and impactful. Here’s your guide:

  1. Find Your Area of Expertise: Choose a topic from diverse areas like politics, governance, or even art & culture. Let your passion guide you.
  2. Craft an Engaging Article: Conduct thorough research and write a well-structured and compelling piece in English or Urdu, following their submission guidelines.
  3. Share Your Voice: Submit your article via email or through their online platform. Make your voice heard!
  4. Stay Connected: Follow their social media channels and website for updates, opportunities, and to connect with the community.

Building a Better Pakistan, Together:

Republic Policy offers a unique opportunity to be a part of something bigger than yourself. By joining their volunteer network, you contribute your voice, gain valuable experience, and actively participate in shaping Pakistan’s future. This is an invitation to engage in critical discourse, learn from others, and make a lasting impact. Remember, sharing this invitation broadens the circle and strengthens the movement towards a better Pakistan. So, join the call, contribute your expertise, and be a part of the change!

Invitation to Volunteer Writers to Write for Republic Policy ( Think Tank)

Republic Policy, a volunteer-driven think tank publishing daily English/Urdu E-papers, monthly magazines, and research reports, needs your voice! We’re dedicated to shaping republic policies in Pakistan through informed discussion and impactful research. Republic Policy organization is a team of volunteers trying to create awareness among the people of Pakistan to make Pakistan a functional REPUBLIC. Accordingly, Republic Policy provides a platform for all volunteer writers to write for the people’s awareness. 

Contribute your expertise on:

  • Politics
  • Governance
  • Civil Services
  • Economy
  • Human Rights
  • Art & Culture
  • Sports
  • Reforming Pakistan’s state and government organizations

Why volunteer with us?

  • Make a real difference: Your insights can influence decision-making and drive positive change.
  • Gain valuable experience: Hone your writing and research skills while working alongside other passionate individuals.
  • Expand your network: Connect with experts and collaborate on impactful research and analysis.
  • Become a published author: Contribute to our widely-read publications and video channel.

Who are we looking for?

All may write for Republic Policy voluntarily. However, we primarily seek students, trainees, and young aspirants to be part of our awareness campaign.  

Ready to join us?

  1. Select your topic from the focus areas mentioned above.
  2. Write a well-researched and engaging article (English or Urdu).
  3. Follow our submission guidelines:
  4. Send your article to:
  5. Visit our Twitter Handle and YouTube channel. &

Let’s build a better Pakistan together!

Visit our website for more information:

Share this invitation with others who might be interested!

Republic Policy Team

Tahir Maqsud Chheena 


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