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Maryam Nawaz Sharif to Become Chief Minister of Punjab amid Accusation of Stealing the Mandate of the People

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Barrister Nasir Cheema

Maryam Nawaz Sharif, daughter of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, occupies a complex and controversial space in Pakistani politics. While she has garnered supporters for her work on women’s empowerment and youth development, accusations of corruption, nepotism, and electoral manipulation cast a shadow over her career. A critical evaluation requires a nuanced approach, examining both sides of the coin. Her supporters argue that she, as Chairperson of the Prime Minister’s Youth Programme, championed initiatives like the “Girl Power” campaign, promoting girls’ education and entrepreneurship. This earned her praise for advocating for women’s rights in a traditionally patriarchal society. Her focus on youth engagement through initiatives like the “National Internship Programme” addressed the issue of unemployment and skill development, potentially impacting the lives of many young people. Her supporters contend that she represents women and youth. However, her detractors claim that she only represents the elite of Pakistan. 

Navigating the complex political landscape of Pakistan, she rose through the ranks of the PML-N, demonstrating political acumen and strategic thinking. Her supporters view her as a capable leader with the potential to bring stability and progress. Then, her detractors claim that she is a symbol of hereditary politics, and had she not been the daughter of Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, she would not have been even a political worker. However, during the hard times of PMLN, she led the party with courage and determination. 

The Panama Papers leak implicated her family in financial irregularities, leading to the disqualification of her father from holding office. While she maintains innocence, the cloud of corruption taints her image and raises questions about integrity. However, her opponents call her developing through the labyrinth of corruption of nepotism. Critics argue that her rise in politics owes more to her family’s legacy than her own merit. Her appointment as Chairperson of the Youth Programme, despite lacking formal qualifications, fueled accusations of nepotism and abuse of power. Furthermore, her rise to the office of Chief Minister in Punjab also reflects the nepotistic and hereditary politics of PMLN.

However, the primary question is only one. Does she hold the mandate of the people of Punjab? There are serious claims of rigging in the 2024 elections, particularly in Punjab, and these cast doubt on the legitimacy of her party’s victory and raise concerns about fair democratic processes. This further erodes public trust in her leadership. There are serious discrepancies between Forms 47 and 45. Furthermore, as per the Republic Policy report regarding post-ballot analysis, PMLN holds about 50 to 60 PA seats in Punjab. However, they are managed more than 137 PA seats. 

Maryam’s nomination as Chief Minister of Punjab is met with mixed reactions. Supporters hope for development and progress, while others fear continued corruption and disregard for democratic norms. Her ability to navigate these challenges and deliver on her promises will determine her legacy in Punjab and Pakistan.

Maryam Nawaz Sharif is a figure with both strengths and weaknesses. While her work on women’s empowerment and youth development is commendable, the allegations of corruption, nepotism, and electoral fraud cannot be ignored. Evaluating her career requires a balanced approach, acknowledging both her potential and the concerns surrounding her leadership. Ultimately, her impact on Pakistan will depend on her actions as Chief Minister of Punjab and her commitment to addressing the criticisms leveled against her. Despite the merits and demerits of her political career, one thing is reasonably sure: that she does not represent the popular will of the mandate of the people of Punjab. 

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