PTI to Hold Three Political Rallies on 1st of May

PTI is set to win the elections as they are on a political roll. PMLN has a serious disadvantage of political incumbency.

PTI has announced that it will hold three public rallies on 1st of May, 2023 to commemorate 1st May as a Labor Day. PTI has been proactive in terms of rallies and processions lately. Then, it is also important that PTI can gather public to showcase the street power.

The day has a symbolic significance. It is commemorated to honor the sacrifice of the laborers for their rights. Furthermore, the rallies shall also show the symbolic sympathies for the working class in Pakistan. Owing to extreme economic pressures, the laborers in Pakistan is going through real hard times. Therefore, sympathizing them through rallies is a welcome step. However, it is more important to establish labor friendly policies and improving their economic interests and advantages.

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